We are glad to inform you that SP LIRA 10 has been successfully certified at the JSC “NNEGC “ENERGOATOM”. Based on the SNRIU letter No. 15-22/9380-8380 dated 26.07.2024 the SP LIRA 10 has been included in the list of software tools for justification of safety of nuclear facilities in accordance with the standard STP 0.41.076-2008 “Safety analysis and assessment. The procedure for using design codes to justify safety of nuclear power plants. Methodical instructions”.
It indicates that SP LIRA 10 is officially recognized as a software tool allowing performing calculations of nuclear power objects.
SP LIRA 10 has been certified to perform stress-strain state calculations for building structures of nuclear power objects under static and dynamic loads in linear and nonlinear formulations in the modes of normal operation, violation of normal operation conditions and design basis accident.
The given software tool allows you to solve the following classes of problems:
- linear static and dynamic problems;
- determination of frequencies and forms of natural oscillations;
- linear calculation of buckling with determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
- physically nonlinear static and dynamic problems of elastic-plastic calculation for metal and reinforced concrete structures;
- geometrically nonlinear static and dynamic problems of calculation of guy ropes, membranes, bars and plates;
- geometrically nonlinear problems after buckling with the search for new forms of equilibrium;
- static and dynamic structurally nonlinear problems with one-sided limitations;
- calculation of progressive destruction;
- calculation of seismic actions by applying the linear spectral method, as well as earthquake accelerogram and seismogram in linear and nonlinear formulation;
- determination of floor response spectra of the structure;
- interaction between the building and soil foundations;
- design calculations of reinforced concrete, metal and wooden structures.