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LIRA 10 is in the list of software tools for justification of safety of nuclear facilities
9/2/2024 LIRA 10 is in the list of software tools for justification of safety of nuclear facilities
We are glad to inform you that SP LIRA 10 has been successfully certified at the JSC “NNEGC “ENERGOATOM”.

We are glad to inform you that SP LIRA 10 has been successfully certified at the JSC “NNEGC “ENERGOATOM”. Based on the SNRIU letter No. 15-22/9380-8380 dated 26.07.2024 the SP LIRA 10 has been included in the list of software tools for justification of safety of nuclear facilities in accordance with the standard STP 0.41.076-2008 “Safety analysis and assessment. The procedure for using design codes to justify safety of nuclear power plants. Methodical instructions”.

It indicates that SP LIRA 10 is officially recognized as a software tool allowing performing calculations of nuclear power objects.

SP LIRA 10 has been certified to perform stress-strain state calculations for building structures of nuclear power objects under static and dynamic loads in linear and nonlinear formulations in the modes of normal operation, violation of normal operation conditions and design basis accident.

The given software tool allows you to solve the following classes of problems:

  • linear static and dynamic problems;
  • determination of frequencies and forms of natural oscillations;
  • linear calculation of buckling with determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
  • physically nonlinear static and dynamic problems of elastic-plastic calculation for metal and reinforced concrete structures;
  • geometrically nonlinear static and dynamic problems of calculation of guy ropes, membranes, bars and plates;
  • geometrically nonlinear problems after buckling with the search for new forms of equilibrium;
  • static and dynamic structurally nonlinear problems with one-sided limitations;
  • calculation of progressive destruction;
  • calculation of seismic actions by applying the linear spectral method, as well as earthquake accelerogram and seismogram in linear and nonlinear formulation;
  • determination of floor response spectra of the structure;
  • interaction between the building and soil foundations;
  • design calculations of reinforced concrete, metal and wooden structures.
New LIRA 10.14 R3.0 version has been released
8/13/2024 New LIRA 10.14 R3.0 version has been released
Release 3.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.14 can update to 3.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.14.

SP LIRA 10.14 R3.0 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.14 can update to 3.0 version for free.

Release 3.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the international scientific and technical conference “Modern Structures of Metal and Wood”
6/24/2024 LIRA Group of Companies took part in the international scientific and technical conference “Modern Structures of Metal and Wood”
The Head of the Department of Automation of Calculations of Metal Structures, Mr. Movshovich Y.D. and the Leading Engineer of the Department of Automation of Calculations of Metal Structures, Mr. Yevdokimov Y.V. have prepared a report on the topic “Checking the Overall Stability of Steel Elements of Variable Cross-Section in Accordance with DBN V.2.6-198:2014 Using Variable Design Length in SP LIRA 10”.

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the international scientific and technical conference “Modern Structures of Metal and Wood” held on June 13-15, 2024 in Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

The Head of the Department of Automation of Calculations of Metal Structures, Mr. Movshovich Y.D. and the Leading Engineer of the Department of Automation of Calculations of Metal Structures, Mr. Yevdokimov Y.V. have prepared a report on the topic “Checking the Overall Stability of Steel Elements of Variable Cross-Section in Accordance with DBN V.2.6-198:2014 Using Variable Design Length in SP LIRA 10”.

You can find the video of this report on our youtube channel.

New LIRA 10.14 R2.0 version has been released
4/19/2024 New LIRA 10.14 R2.0 version has been released
Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.14 can update to 2.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.14.

SP LIRA 10.14 R2.0 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.14 can update to 2.0 version for free.

Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
New LIRA 10.12 R2.6 version has been released
2/15/2024 New LIRA 10.12 R2.6 version has been released
Release 2.6 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.6 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.6 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.6 version for free.

Release 2.6 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

New SP LIRA 10.14 version has been released
1/22/2024 New SP LIRA 10.14 version has been released
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.14.
The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.14 section.
Dear colleagues!

We start the New year 2024 with the release of a new version of Software Package LIRA 10.14.

The presentation was held on January 23, 2024!

The Software Package LIRA 10 is being developed, improved and becoming easier to use from year to year. The new version of SP LIRA 10.14 implements a lot of innovations.

We closely follow the current trends of the best international practices and develop the Software Package in the areas determined by the users; as well we develop the regulatory basis and introduce modern technologies of calculation analysis. We invite you to learn the presentation dedicated to innovations and unique functions of the new version of Software Package LIRA 10.14.

LIRA Group of Companies participated in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative Technologies”
11/22/2023 LIRA Group of Companies participated in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative Technologies”
The main objective and mission of the forum was to share the experience of scientists in solving urgent problems in the architectural and construction industry and in design, at the state and commercial levels in the conditions of the State of war

LIRA Group of Companies participated in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative Technologies” held on November 15-16, 2023 in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA)

The main objective and mission of the forum was to share the experience of scientists in solving urgent problems in the architectural and construction industry and in design, at the state and commercial levels in the conditions of the State of war

A plenary session was organized during the forum, where the report of the scientific supervisor, D. Sc. Yevzerov I. on "SP LIRA 10 in the restoration and reconstruction of Ukrainian infrastructure" was presented

Thematic conferences were organized within the framework of the forum, during which the reports of our colleagues were also presented. The Executive Director, PhD. Geraymovich Yu. made a report on "Further development of the CROSS-SECTION module in LIRA 10 software package"”, and Leading Engineer, Perepichay I. presented a report on "ВІМ integration in SP LIRA 10"

We would like to express our gratitude to the organizers of the conference for cooperation, the actuality of the content of the presented reports and the opportunity for joint discussion

We wish all those who shared the idea to hold the conference and its participants proper conditions for the development of science, education and society as a whole

photo from International Scientific and Technical Forum «Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative Technologies»
New LIRA 10.12 R2.5.1 version has been released
9/22/2023 New LIRA 10.12 R2.5.1 version has been released
Release 2.5.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.5.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.5.1 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.5.1 version for free.

Release 2.5.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
New LIRA 10.12 R2.5 version has been released
8/11/2023 New LIRA 10.12 R2.5 version has been released
Release 2.5 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.5 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.5 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.5 version for free.

Release 2.5 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Note about modelling of three-branch cross-sections
6/22/2023 Note about modelling of three-branch cross-sections
We invite you to see our video note on three-branch metal cross-sections.

We invite you to see our video note on three-branch metal cross-sections. You can learn about the features of such truss structures, their advantages, disadvantages, as well as features of modeling and calculation. These types of structures can be modeled via one rod in SP LIRA 10. It, in turn, allows you to make quickly preliminary modeling and calculations with cross-section selection in similar schemes using simplified procedure, as well as fully perform flexibility checks in accordance with the requirements of the standards.

Video tutorial «Calculation of timber structures according to EUROCODE»
6/5/2023 Video tutorial «Calculation of timber structures according to EUROCODE»
Video tutorial on calculation of timber structures according to Eurocode have been posted on our channel.

Video tutorial on calculation of timber structures according to Eurocode have been posted on our channel.  The video shows some of the theoretical aspects that are included in the design calculations. An example in SP LIRA 10.12 on creating design parameters and checking of timber cross sections and deflections is also considered. Some other related aspects are also described. For your convenience, time codes have been added to the video description. This video is in Russian.

New LIRA 10.12 R2.4.1 version has been released
5/29/2023 New LIRA 10.12 R2.4.1 version has been released
Release 2.4.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.4.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.4.1 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.4.1 version for free.

Release 2.4.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

Lira Group of Companies participated in the 4th International Conference
5/1/2023 Lira Group of Companies participated in the 4th International Conference
Lira Group of Companies is pleased to announce its participation in the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference

Lira Group of Companies is pleased to announce its participation in the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference on "Buildings and Structures of Special Purpose: Modern Materials and Constructions." The conference took place on April 26-27, 2023, in Kyiv and was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and the Academy of Construction of Ukraine.

Our company presented a report on the topic "Filtration in Geotechnical Design Problems," where Lead Engineer Irina Perepichai discussed the necessity of conducting filtration calculations in construction projects and provided examples of such calculations using Lira 10 software package. You can find the presentation of the report in the attached file.

We are grateful to the organizers for the opportunity to participate in this event. We take pride in our achievements and are always ready for new challenges!

New LIRA 10.12 R2.4 version has been released
3/30/2023 New LIRA 10.12 R2.4 version has been released
Release 2.4 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.3 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.4 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.4 version for free.

Release 2.4 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions:

Integration of SP LIRA with Tekla Structures
2/17/2023 Integration of SP LIRA with Tekla Structures
We invite you to check out our video on the integration of Tekla Structures models with SP LIRA 10.12.

We invite you to check out our video on the integration of Tekla Structures models with SP LIRA 10.12. Data exchange of a wide range is possible both thanks to the plugin and the publicly available IFC format. Using a simple model as an example, we tried to demonstrate in this video the basic steps for building a spatial scheme in Tekla, creating loads, transferring the model for the selection of steel cross sections in SP LIRA 10.12, and assigning the selected sections. The main principles of interaction between the two programs through the IFC format are also mentioned. The video is recorded in Ukrainian.

BRIDGE Module. Moving loads
2/15/2023 BRIDGE Module. Moving loads
A webinar on the work of creating moving loads in the BRIDGE system has been published.

A webinar on the work of creating moving loads in the BRIDGE system has been published. The video demonstrates how the provisions of DBN V.1.2-15:2009 can be applied in SP LIRA 10.12 when modeling bridges. You can also learn how the results of the calculation of internal forces and displacements are formed and how they can be applied in the design. This video is in Ukrainian.

Calculation of pile foundations according to DBN
2/2/2023 Calculation of pile foundations according to DBN
We invite you to watch the video tutorial about the peculiarities of pile calculation according to DBN B.2.1-10-2009.

We invite you to watch the video tutorial about the peculiarities of pile calculation according to DBN B.2.1-10-2009. You will learn how to calculate the settlements, stiffnesses and pile’s bearing capacities depending on the pile driving features and soil conditions, using SP LIRA 10.12. If necessary, it’s also possible to view the sequence of actions needed for calculation of required reinforcement in each pile. This video is in Ukrainian. 

Video tutorial "SP LIRA 10 from scratch"
12/27/2022 Video tutorial "SP LIRA 10 from scratch"
A video tutorial with step-by-step instructions on work with the LIRA 10 Software Package has been released for novice.

A video tutorial with step-by-step instructions on work with the LIRA 10 Software Package has been released for novice users. On the example of a reinforced concrete frame of a building, you will learn how to design a model, assign stiffnesses to the elements, apply loads, select reinforcement, and analyze the results of the calculation. This video is in Russian.

12/12/2022 УВАГА! АКЦІЯ!
До 25 січня 2023 року знижені тарифи 50% вартості на придбання та оновлення програмного комплексу ЛІРА 10.12.

Для підтримки ініціативи відбудови міст, відновлення інфраструктури, пошкодженої внаслідок військової агресії, для сприяння діяльності будівельної сфери України, Група компаній ЛІРА встановлює до 25 січня 2023 року знижені тарифи 50% вартості на придбання та оновлення програмного комплексу ЛІРА 10.12.


Покупка ПК ЛІРА 10.12


Вартість згідно прайсу

Акційна вартість до 25 січня 2023 року

ЛІРА 10.12 Standard

89 600 грн.

44 800 грн.

ЛІРА 10.12 PRO

123 200 грн.

61 600 грн.


206 080 грн.

103 040 грн.


Оновлення з ПК ЛІРА 10.10 до ПК ЛІРА 10.12


Вартість згідно прайсу

Акційна вартість до 25 січня 2023 року

ЛІРА 10.12 Standard

17 920 грн.

8 960 грн.

ЛІРА 10.12 PRO

24 640 грн.

12 320 грн.


41 216 грн.

20 608 грн.


Оновлення з ПК ЛІРА 9.6-10.8 до ПК ЛІРА 10.12


Вартість згідно прайсу

Акційна вартість до 25 січня 2023 року

ЛІРА 10.12 Standard

35 840 грн.

17 920 грн.

ЛІРА 10.12 PRO

49 280 грн.

24 640 грн.


82 432 грн.

41 216 грн.


Продовжуємо працювати!

Наша перемога в єдності та підтримці один одного!


Відправити онлайн заявку на покупку можна за допомогою форми або звернутися напряму до відділу маркетингу.

Запрошуємо вас переглянути демо-версію програмного комплексу ЛІРА 10.12.

Реєструйтеся на нашому сайті, щоб мати можливість вчасно отримувати новини!

Підписуйтесь на наш YouTube канал!


Video tutorial on «THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY» module
12/6/2022 Video tutorial on «THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY» module
We invite you to watch the video tutorial on calculating of thermal conductivity problems.

We invite you to watch the video tutorial on calculating of thermal conductivity problems. SP LIRA 10.12 allows you to calculate stationary and non-stationary heat flows with the possibility of accompanying calculation of the mechanical problem. This video will help you to understand the sequence of steps that need to be done to calculate temperatures, stresses and strains, as well as learn some tricks in special calculations, which are performed by transferring the temperature to the initial data. This video is in Ukrainian.

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture and Construction: Restoration of Ukraine
11/29/2022 LIRA Group of Companies took part in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture and Construction: Restoration of Ukraine
LIRA Group of Companies took part in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture and Construction: Restoration of Ukraine.

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture and Construction: Restoration of Ukraine. Science, Technology, Practice” (2022), on November 17-18,  2022,  in the ONLINE format at the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.


Scientific director Evzerov Isaak Danilovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, made a presentation on the theme “Possibilities of SP LIRA 10 in the reconstruction and recovery of the infrastructure of Ukraine” at the plenary meeting.


We thank our partners for the opportunity to make a presentation and gather  together with other scientists from Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, sharing experiences and express opinions on actual problems in the architectural and construction industry, as well as their solution at the state and commercial level under martial law.


We must unite our efforts acting as one team and focus all our forces on fighting the external aggressor!


The key to our Victiry is Unity!

11/28/2022 ASSEMBLAGE Module
We offer to your attention a video tutorial on usage features of ASSEMBLAGE module in SP LIRA 10.

We offer to your attention a video tutorial on usage features of ASSEMBLAGE module in SP LIRA 10. The video discusses the construction and calculation of the assembly drawing of a multi-storey building with alternate construction of each floor and reinforcement proportioning, taking into account the characteristics of concrete hardening. An example with dynamic support extraction is shown. In a separate scheme, a nonlinear problem for the construction of a mine in the ground is considered. This video is in Ukrainian.

Calculation of tanks on seismic action
11/9/2022 Calculation of tanks on seismic action
Video tutorial on calculation of cylindrical vertical steel reservoirs with liquid on seismic action has been posted on our channel.

Video tutorial on calculation of cylindrical vertical steel reservoirs with liquid on seismic action has been posted on our channel. The main aspects and problems of the calculation of such objects are covered. Also an example of calculation in SP LIRA 10.12 of a typical liquid tank according to some criteria of strength and stability is shown, considering recommendations of EN 1998-4: Eurocode 8 and acceleration response spectra as an incoming seismic action. This video is in Russian.

General import of dxf format
11/1/2022 General import of dxf format
We offer to your attention a video tutorial on preparing and importing a model from the *.dxf format (AutoCAD) into SP LIRA 10.

We offer to your attention a video tutorial on preparing and importing a model from the *.dxf format (AutoCAD) into SP LIRA 10. In particular, we show how to create model geometry in the AutoCAD environment, assign cross sections, materials, loadings and loads for further successful import into SP LIRA 10 and subsequent calculations. This video is in Ukrainian.

Video tutorial «Calculation of steel structures according to EUROCODE»
10/6/2022 Video tutorial «Calculation of steel structures according to EUROCODE»
Video tutorial on calculation of steel structures according to Eurocode have been posted on our channel.

Video tutorial on calculation of steel structures according to Eurocode have been posted on our channel. The video shows some of the theoretical aspects that are included in the design calculations. An example in SP LIRA 10.12 on creating design parameters and checking and proportioning of optimal metal cross sections is also considered. Some other related aspects are also described. For your convenience, time codes have been added to the video description. This video is in Russian.

Verification tests
9/27/2022 Verification tests
We would like to bring to your attention the updated verification tests in the section SP LIRA > Verification.

We would like to bring to your attention the updated verification tests in the section SP LIRA Verification.

Discover more then 50 tests with different types of finite elements and types of structural analysis, that you may face while performing engineering projects. Over time, the number of such tests will be replenished.

In these tests, the results of SP LIRA 10 calculation are compared with analytical solutions and results, obtained using other programs from the segment of finite element analysis.

On this page, in addition to viewing problems, you can also download the archive for the corresponding test with the calculation model of SP LIRA 10 in *.fep format, by which you can trace the principle of model creation.

Besides checking the accuracy of performing certain types of problems, these tests and the models attached to them can also be used for self-study to perform many types of analysis.

Please note that most of the presented problems can be calculated in the demo version of SP LIRA 10.

Creation of grids for objects of complex shape
9/20/2022 Creation of grids for objects of complex shape
A video tutorial about the creating of grids of complex shape in the Gmsh program for their further transfer to SP LIRA 10 has been published.

A video tutorial about the creating of grids of complex shape in the Gmsh program for their further transfer to SP LIRA 10 has been published. Gmsh is a free and open source program distributed under the GNU General Public License. The main Gmsh tool, the use of which complements effective modeling in SP LIRA 10, is splitting 3D models into a finite element mesh, which can be imported then for further calculations using the finite element method. The video is recorded in Ukrainian

Video tutorial on FILTRATION module
9/13/2022 Video tutorial on FILTRATION module
We invite you to watch the video tutorial on calculation of filtration in soils, namely, the determination of seepage velocity, pore pressure, stresses and positions of phreatic surfaces

We invite you to watch the video tutorial on calculation of filtration in soils, namely, the determination of seepage velocity, pore pressure, stresses and positions of phreatic surfaces. Such calculations are made for dams, pits, underground tunnels, drain shafts, etc. The video shows the features of the construction and calculation of a nonhomogeneous dam with drainage systems in a plane problem, as well as modeling of filtration processes for a homogeneous dam in 3D setting. The video is recorded in Ukrainian. 

Video course “Calculation of reinforced concrete structures according to DSTU”
9/6/2022 Video course “Calculation of reinforced concrete structures according to DSTU”
Video course on calculation of reinforced concrete structures according to DSTU is published on our channel.

Video course on calculation of reinforced concrete structures according to DSTU is published on our channel. The course is globally divided into three parts. The first video tutorial is devoted to the construction of the scheme geometry, the application of loads and the arrangement of internal forces combinations. The second part gives an understanding of how exactly the algorithms for calculating reinforced concrete structures are implemented in SP LIRA 10  and how they can be controlled. The third video tutorial will help you to better understand the methods of nonlinear calculations of buildings on Ultimate Limit State and Serviceability Limit State. In addition, the video course includes many indirect issues considering understanding of certain points of regulatory documents and techniques, and how to implement them in the program when modeling your scheme. You can track a more detailed plan of each video by the time codes and, if necessary, watch only that part of the lesson that you consider useful. The video is recorded in Ukrainian.

Interaction of SP LIRA 10 and Advance Steel
8/16/2022 Interaction of SP LIRA 10 and Advance Steel
We encourage you to watch the video tutorial about the plug-in for import/export of geometric model from Advance Steel.

We encourage you to watch the video tutorial about the plug-in for import/export of geometric model from Advance Steel to SP LIRA 10 and vice versa. This lesson shows an example of the selection of steel rolled metal profiles in SP LIRA 10 with further import to Advance Steel. The synchronization of databases of rolled steel and material between the two programs is also considered. Video recorded in Ukrainian.

Video tutorial on accelerogram calculation
8/9/2022 Video tutorial on accelerogram calculation
We offer to your attention the video tutorial on linear and nonlinear calculation of steelwork for seismic effects, which are given as a three-component accelerogram.

We offer to your attention the video tutorial on linear and nonlinear calculation of steelwork for seismic effects, which are given as a three-component accelerogram. Some aspects of modeling that may be useful to you when modeling structures for dynamic actions are also considered. Video recorded in Russian.

Video tutorial on geometric nonlinearity
8/1/2022 Video tutorial on geometric nonlinearity
We invite you to watch the video tutorial on calculation of cable systems and structures, which are strongly deformed under the influence of loads.

We invite you to watch the video tutorial on calculation of cable systems and structures, which are strongly deformed under the influence of loads. Such systems should be calculated in a geometrically nonlinear formulation. Some designs can work even after local buckling – after they get a new form of equilibrium state. The video shows examples of the calculation of such systems as opposed to linear calculations. Video recorded in Ukrainian.

Video tutorials on User Results and LiraAPI
7/19/2022 Video tutorials on User Results and LiraAPI
Dear Colleagues! LIRA Group of Companies publishes freely available video materials, which can help you improve your skills in working with SP LIRA 10.

Dear Colleagues!

LIRA Group of Companies publishes freely available video materials, which can help you improve your skills in working with SP LIRA 10, as well as master some unique tools for solving non-standard problems in your engineering practice. Situations often arise when an engineer simultaneously needs to apply knowledge from different technical fields.

In particular, write their own program code, which allows to get and manage suitable data from standard results of finite element method solutions. We offer to your attention tutorial videos with examples. If you are an engineer with junior-programmer skills, these videos will help you to be competitive and effectively put the knowledge gained into practice.

The first video contains information on User Results, namely, displaying your own result mosaic in accordance with the written mathematical operations on standard results. The second video will help you to create your own LiraAPI applications using C# programming language. So you can launch these applications directly from the program and use SP LIRA 10 results tables as input data.

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the PSACEA 2022 forum
7/2/2022 LIRA Group of Companies took part in the PSACEA 2022 forum
With laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine for Science and Technology, author of Software Package LIRA 10, Doctor of Technical Sciences Evzerov Isaak Danilovich.

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the scientific and practical interdisciplinary forum «We will win, we will rebuild!» on June 29-30, 2022, in Dnipro city, Ukraine.


The event was held with the support of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Dnepropetrovsk region, SHEI «Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», The Dnipropetrovs'k region Federation of Employers' Organisations, Academy of Construction of Ukraine.


Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine for Science and Technology, author of Software Package LIRA 10, Doctor of Technical Sciences Evzerov Isaak Danilovich thanked everyone who, in these difficult times, stands together and acts united, mobilizing all the forces to support the country!


LIRA Group of Companies continues to work and contribute to the creation of the future. We support the initiative to rebuild the cities of Ukraine and we are ready for cooperation and discussion of organizational and technical solutions to strengthen the defense capability of our country, restore infrastructure, destroyed as a result of military aggression, intensification of further scientific, technical, economic and social development of Ukraine.


We must unite our efforts acting as one team and focus all our forces on fighting the external aggressor. We must support our economy, create new employment and work towards a common goal – prosperity of Ukraine and financing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!


We thank the organizers of the SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL FORUM «WE WILL WIN, WE WILL REBUILD!», SHEI Prydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», for the opportunity to share experiences and express opinions by gathering together with other representatives of science, education, buildings and industries.


The key to our Victiry is Unity!

New LIRA 10.12 R2.3 version has been released
6/28/2022 New LIRA 10.12 R2.3 version has been released
Release 2.3 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.3 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

Release 2.3 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.3 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.3 version for free.
New LIRA 10.12 R2.2 version has been released
11/23/2021 New LIRA 10.12 R2.2 version has been released
Release 2.2 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.2 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.2 is available for downloading in download section. Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.2 version for free.

Release 2.2 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions:

XII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference
9/30/2021 XII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference
On September 23-25, 2021, a scientific and technical conference "Construction in seismic regions of Ukraine" was held in Odessa

LIRA Group of Companies took part in the XII All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference: "Construction in seismic regions of Ukraine", which took place on September 23-25, 2021 in Odessa, Ukraine.

At the sectional session of the conference, reports were presented:

The reports presented at the conference, as well as the main materials of the discussion, will be published in the journal "Science and Construction". The abstracts of the reports are published in the corresponding collection of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

New LIRA 10.12 R2.0 version has been released
7/13/2021 New LIRA 10.12 R2.0 version has been released
Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.0 version for free.
New LIRA 10.10 R2.5 version has been released
6/15/2021 New LIRA 10.10 R2.5 version has been released
Release 2.5 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.5 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10.

Release 2.5 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.10 R2.5 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.5 version for free.
New LIRA 10.8 R3.7 version has been released
6/15/2021 New LIRA 10.8 R3.7 version has been released
Release 3.7 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.7 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.7 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.7 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.7 version for free.
New LIRA 10.12 R2.1 version has been released
6/8/2021 New LIRA 10.12 R2.1 version has been released
Release 2.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.

Release 2.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.12 R2.1 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.12 can update to 2.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues!
5/18/2021 Dear colleagues!
We offer you a series of videoreports "Application of the software complex Lira for the calculation of building structures and structures."
On April 12, the new SP LIRA 10.12 version was released!

In the new SP LIRA 10.12 version, many innovations were implemented, helping to improve approaches to planning, creating, and analyzing various engineering solutions. We, as the developers, closely follow the current trends of international experience and practice, and develop the software package in the directions, which our users define. We constantly update the regulatory base and introduce modern technologies of computational analysis.

We invite you to watch our video presentation of innovations and unique functions of the new version of the software package LIRA 10.12.

Reports are collected in a playlist on our web channel.

New SP LIRA 10.12 version has been released
4/12/2021 New SP LIRA 10.12 version has been released
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12.
The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.12 section.
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.12!

The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.12 section.

SP LIRA 10.12 is available for downloading in Downloads section.

Purchase prices are shown in Price section.
Upgrade to the new version SP LIRA 10.12 for half the price!
3/19/2021 Upgrade to the new version SP LIRA 10.12 for half the price!
In the new version, the possibilities of calculation are expanded, the existing modules are improved, and the work of the graphics system is also improved.
SP LIRA version 10.12 will have a new design module - Wooden structures, expand the capabilities of the RC, MK, Soil design modules, as well as a large number of improvements to the graphics system. It will become possible to manage many parameters of inputting initial data and generating calculation results using tables and custom calculation results, as well as Eurocodes and more than 100 new functions to speed up and quality calculations.

With the release of LIRA 10.12, the cost of updating from previous versions will change

  • The upgrade cost will double for versions 10.6, 10.4, 10.2, 10.0, 9.6, 9.4, 9.2 and will amount to 40% of the total license cost instead of 20%.
  • The upgrade cost from 10.8 will remain unchanged until May 31, 2021.
  • From June 1, the cost of renewal will be 40% instead of 20%.
  • The update cost for LIRA 10.10 users after the release of 10.12 will remain unchanged - 20%.
Congratulations to Doctor of Technical Sciences Evzerov Iisak Danilovich
12/31/2020 Congratulations to Doctor of Technical Sciences Evzerov Iisak Danilovich
Congratulations to Doctor of Technical Sciences Evzerov Iisak Danilovich on receiving the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2020

Congratulations on your honors, we wish you further scientific achievements.

Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 608/2020 "On awarding the State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology in 2020"

Dear colleagues!
12/1/2020 Dear colleagues!
We offer to your attention a new video presentation: «SP LIRA 10.10 calculation capabilities review».

We offer to your attention a new theme of video presentation on our YouTube channel.

Dear colleagues!
9/29/2020 Dear colleagues!
We offer to your attention a new video presentation: «Architectural elements for piles calculation by bars and modeling capabilities».

We offer to your attention a new theme of video presentation on our YouTube channel.

Dear colleagues!
9/8/2020 Dear colleagues!
We offer to your attention a new video presentation: «Utility Set».

We offer to your attention a new theme of video presentation on our YouTube channel.

Dear colleagues!
9/1/2020 Dear colleagues!
We offer to your attention a series of video reports, where the specifics of the LIRA Software Package applications for modeling and calculating buildings and structures are discussed.

We offer to your attention a series of video reports, where the specifics of the LIRA Software Package applications for modeling and calculating buildings and structures are discussed.

New LIRA 10.10 R2.2 version has been released
6/26/2020 New LIRA 10.10 R2.2 version has been released
Release 2.2 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.2 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10.

Release 2.2 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.10 R2.2 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.2 version for free.
New LIRA 10.10 R2.1 version has been released
3/16/2020 New LIRA 10.10 R2.1 version has been released
Release 2.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10.

Release 2.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.10 R2.1 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.1 version for free.
New LIRA 10.10 R2.0 version has been released
2/21/2020 New LIRA 10.10 R2.0 version has been released
Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10.

Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.10 R2.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 2.0 version for free.
New LIRA 10.10 R1.1 version has been released
1/20/2020 New LIRA 10.10 R1.1 version has been released
Release 1.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 1.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10.

Release 1.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.10 R1.1 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.10 can update to 1.1 version for free.
New LIRA 10.8 R3.6 version has been released
1/20/2020 New LIRA 10.8 R3.6 version has been released
Release 3.6 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.6 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.6 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.6 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.6 version for free.
New SP LIRA 10.10 version has been released
11/21/2019 New SP LIRA 10.10 version has been released
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10.
The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.10 section.
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.10!

The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.10 section.

SP LIRA 10.10 is available for downloading in Downloads section.

Purchase prices are shown in Price section.
New LIRA 10.8 R3.5 version has been released
11/21/2019 New LIRA 10.8 R3.5 version has been released
Release 3.5 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.5 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.5 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.5 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.5 version for free.
New LIRA 10.8 R3.4 version has been released
8/29/2019 New LIRA 10.8 R3.4 version has been released
Release 3.4 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.4 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.4 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions. Full list is available by link.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.4 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.4 version for free.
New LIRA 10.8 R3.3 version has been released
5/24/2019 New LIRA 10.8 R3.3 version has been released
Release 3.3 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.3 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.3 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions. Full list is available by link.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.3 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.3 version for free.
New LIRA 10.8 R3.2 version has been released
3/26/2019 New LIRA 10.8 R3.2 version has been released
Release 3.2 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.2 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.2 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions. Full list is available by link.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.2 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.2 version for free.
April 8-12 training course on SP LIRA 10 in Kyiv
3/14/2019 April 8-12 training course on SP LIRA 10 in Kyiv
LIRA Group of Companies announces enrollment for a training course on SP LIRA 10 that will be held in Kyiv on April 8-12, 2019.

LIRA Group of Companies announces enrollment for a training course on SP LIRA 10
that will be held in Kyiv on April 8-12, 2019.

In order to register to course, please fill out the following registration form.

New LIRA 10.8 R3.0 version has been released
12/26/2018 New LIRA 10.8 R3.0 version has been released
Release 3.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 3.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions. Full list is available by link.

SP LIRA 10.8 R3.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 3.0 version for free.
December 5-7 training course on SP LIRA 10 in Kyiv
11/2/2018 December 5-7 training course on SP LIRA 10 in Kyiv
LIRA Group of Companies announces enrollment for a training course on SP LIRA 10 that will be held in Kyiv on December 5-7, 2018.

LIRA Group of Companies announces enrollment for a training course on SP LIRA 10 that will be held in Kyiv on December 5-7, 2018.

In order to register to course, please fill out the following registration form.

Presentation of the software complex LIRA 10.8
10/12/2018 Presentation of the software complex LIRA 10.8
On the 28th of September, 2018, at State Enterprise of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine «Central Design Institute» in Kyiv city took place a presentation of SP LIRA 10.8

On the 28th of September, 2018, a seminar entitled


took place at State Enterprise of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine «Central Design Institute» in Kyiv city.

During seminar, new capabilities and implementation features of SP LIRA 10.8 were reviewed and demonstrated. And also recent designing problems and calculation of buildings and structures were discussed.

The following reports were presented at the seminar:

New LIRA 10.8 R2.1 version has been released
10/5/2018 New LIRA 10.8 R2.1 version has been released
Release 2.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 2.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 2.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions. Full list is available by link.

SP LIRA 10.8 R2.1 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 2.1 version for free.
New LIRA 10.8 R2.0 version has been released
9/25/2018 New LIRA 10.8 R2.0 version has been released
Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 2.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions. Full list is available by link.

SP LIRA 10.8 R2.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.8 can update to 2.0 version for free.
XVI International research and practice conference in Lvov
7/27/2018 XVI International research and practice conference in Lvov
LIRA group of companies are welcoming to take part in the XVI international research-to-practice conference in Lvov

LIRA Group of Companies with the Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture are welcoming you and your colleagues to take part in the XVI international research-to-practice conference:

"Innovative Technologies of Life Cycle of Civil, Industrial and Transport objects"

which will be held on September 4–8, 2018 in the hotel "Valentina" that is located at the following address: Ukraine, Lviv – Briukhovychi, Yasna Street, 7.

The conference will also include a presentation of software LIRA 10.8.

Conditions of participation in the conference are available here.
September 26-28 conference and seminar in Kiev (UPDATED)
7/20/2018 September 26-28 conference and seminar in Kiev (UPDATED)
September 26-27 II International Scientific Conference
September 28 LIRA 10.8 - seminar

Dear colleagues!

LIRA group of companies is welcoming you to take part in the following events:

  • September 26-27, 2018 Second International Scientific Conference "Modern methods of modeling and analysis of structures. Software for engineers and designers and its use in design and educational process". Invitation. Conference agenda.

  • September 28, 2018 Seminar on release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.

Seminar agenda

If you wish to participate in the seminar, you should register using the registration form provided below. The registration was extended until September 21, 2018.

No fee is charged for participation.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 28th of September, 2018, at State Enterprise of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine «Central Design Institute», 5A, Narodnoho Opolchennya St., Kyiv.

II international conference in Georgia «SEISMIC-2018»
7/10/2018 II international conference in Georgia «SEISMIC-2018»
LIRA group of companies took part in the proceedings of II international conference in Georgia «SEISMIC-2018»

LIRA group of companies took part in the II International Conference «Problems of seismic resistance in the protection of monuments of cultural heritage and civil engineering «SEISMIC-2018», which was held in Tbilisi (Georgia) from 30 June 2018 to 01 July 2018.

At the plenary session were presented the following reports:

New SP LIRA 10.8 version has been released
5/31/2018 New SP LIRA 10.8 version has been released
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8.
The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.8 section.
Dear colleagues! We're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.8!

The list of new features is detailed in Version 10.8 section.

SP LIRA 10.8 is available for downloading in Downloads section.

Purchase prices are shown in Price section.
New LIRA 10.6 R4.1 version has been released
4/20/2018 New LIRA 10.6 R4.1 version has been released
Release 4.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 4.1 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.6.

Release 4.1 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

Detailed list is available in changes and additions section.

SP LIRA 10.6 R4.1 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 4.1 version for free.
New LIRA 10.6 R4.0 version has been released
2/8/2018 New LIRA 10.6 R4.0 version has been released
Release 4.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 4.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.6.

Release 4.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

Detailed list is available in changes and additions section.

SP LIRA 10.6 R4.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 4.0 version for free.
Seminar in Georgia
11/16/2017 Seminar in Georgia
Dear colleagues! «LIRA» group of companies is welcoming you to take part in seminar in Georgia

LIRA group of companies (Kiev, Ukraine) and Softline (Tbilisi, Georgia) invite you to take part in seminar

«Application of LIRA 10 software in structural analysis»
The seminar will present reports on new features and capabilities of the software package LIRA 10. Also, current issues of structural modeling and analysis will be discussed.

Date: 13 of December, 2017.

Place: The Biltmore Hotel Tbilisi

If you wish to participate in the seminar, you should register using the link.


New LIRA 10.6 R3.4 version has been released
11/13/2017 New LIRA 10.6 R3.4 version has been released
Release 3.4 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 3.4 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.6

Release 3.4 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.6 R3.4 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 3.4 version for free.
New LIRA 10.6 R3.3 version has been released
10/10/2017 New LIRA 10.6 R3.3 version has been released
Release 3.3 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 3.3 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.6

Release 3.3 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

SP LIRA 10.6 R3.3 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 3.3 version for free.
XV International research and practice conference in Lvov
10/4/2017 XV International research and practice conference in Lvov
LIRA group of companies took part in the proceedings of International research and practice conference in Lvov

LIRA group of companies took part in XV International research and practice conference «Innovative technologies of life cycle of housing and civil, industrial and transport objects», which took place on 18-22 of September, 2017 г. in Lvov, Ukraine.

On plenary session project lead Dmitry Marchenko presented a report:

Presentation of report’s material are available here.
Online presentation of SP LIRA 10.6 in English
5/12/2017 Online presentation of SP LIRA 10.6 in English
We would like to present to your attention the presentation which covers main innovations of SP LIRA 10.6 in English.

Dear colleagues!
We would like to present to your attention the presentation which covers main innovations of SP LIRA 10.6 in English.

New LIRA 10.6 R3.0 version has been released
4/25/2017 New LIRA 10.6 R3.0 version has been released
Release 3.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 3.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.6

Release 3.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

Detailed list is available in innovations section.

SP LIRA 10.6 R3.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 3.0 version for free.
New LIRA 10.6 R2.0 version has been released
2/22/2017 New LIRA 10.6 R2.0 version has been released
Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 2.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.6

Release 2.0 contains corrected detected errors and some changes and additions.

Detailed list is available in innovations section.

SP LIRA 10.6 R2.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.6 can update to 2.0 version for free.
Presentation of software package LIRA 10.6
12/15/2016 Presentation of software package LIRA 10.6
On the 16th of November, 2016 the official presentation of new version of SP LIRA 10.6 took place at State Enterprise Ministry of Defense «Central Design Institute» in Kiev city.

On the 16th of November, 2016 the official presentation of new version of SP LIRA 10.6 took place at State Enterprise Ministry of Defense «Central Design Institute» in Kiev city.

  • Added more than 100 innovations;
  • More than 20 companies took part in testing process of new version;
  • Implemented integrations with more than 5 other CAD/CAE systems;
  • Now SP LIRA can be used to solve problems of thermal conductivity;
  • According to user’s requests stresses in bars now can be viewed;
  • Implemented load, which is not associated with grid of elements;
  • Implemented calculation of elastic-geometrical characteristics of composite bar`s cross section;
  • Added calculation of bearing capacity surface;
  • Implemented creation of 3D models of soil masses according to assigned earth bore;
  • Now stiffness of single piles, pile groups and artificial footings can be calculated;
  • Implemented Wood-Armer theory for RC plate elements;
  • Corrosion influence now can be factored in during steel construction calculations;
  • Center of rigidity and mass center can be determined for a model`s fragment
During seminar, developers team reported about new opportunities and functions of SP LIRA 10.6. And also recent designing problems in field of civil engineering were discussed:
Online presentation of SP LIRA 10.6
12/9/2016 Online presentation of SP LIRA 10.6
We invite everyone to visit the online presentation of the new version of SP LIRA 10.6 at 11 am (Moscow time) on the 13th of December, 2016.

Dear colleagues!
We invite everyone to visit the online presentation of the new version of SP LIRA 10.6 at 11 am (Moscow time) on the 13th of December, 2016.

To take part in the webinar, the preliminary registration is required using the following link:

Seminar «Use of LIRA 10.6 software package in analysis of structures and buildings»(UPDATED)
11/4/2016 Seminar «Use of LIRA 10.6 software package in analysis of structures and buildings»(UPDATED)
Dear colleagues! «LIRA» group of companies is welcoming you to take part in seminar which is dedicated to the release of new version of SP LIRA

Dear colleagues!
«LIRA» group of companies is welcoming you to take part in seminar which is dedicated to the release of new version of SP LIRA

«Use of LIRA 10.6 software package in analysis of structures and buildings»
Reports regarding new capabilities and functionality of LIRA 10.6 software package will be presented at the seminar. Relevant topics of modeling and analysis of buildings and structures will be also reviewed.

Seminar will be held on the 16th of November, 2016 at State Enterprise Ministry of Defence «Central Design Institute», 5A Narodnoho Opolchennya St., Kyiv (Ukraine).

Participation in seminar requires registration!

Those who wish to take part in the seminar have to submit an application by the 10th of November, 2016. To register you have to fill out an application form and send it via email: or via Tel/Fax: +38 044 520 05 23

Seminar’s schedule

We look forward to seeing you on the 16th of November, 2016 at
State Enterprise Ministry of Defence «Central Design Institute»,
5A Narodnoho Opolchennya St., Kyiv.

Summary of International research and practice conference «Issues of theory and practice of antiseismic construction»
11/1/2016 Summary of International research and practice conference «Issues of theory and practice of antiseismic construction»
LIRA group of companies took part in the proceedings of International research and practice conference which was dedicated to 90-year anniversary from the birth of professor V.K. Egupov

LIRA group of companies took part in the proceedings of International research and practice conference which was dedicated to 90-year anniversary from the birth of professor V.K. Egupov «Issues of theory and practice of antiseismic construction». Conference took place on 25-28th of October, 2016 in Odessa, Ukraine.

Following relevant topics were discussed within the scope of the conference:
  • development of 3D methods of buildings and structures seismic resistance analysis;
  • normalization of seismic actions;
  • looking for effective solutions of increasing seismic resistance of buildings and structures;
  • seismic microzoning of construction sites;
  • organization of seismic monitoring of essential objects.
At affiliated meeting Geraymovich Yuri Dmitrievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, chief operating officer of LLC «PRIME CAD», made a report on the topic:

Report presents an overview of methods of seismic analysis which are implemented in LIRA 10.6 software package in accordance to DSTU-N B EN 1998-1:2010: lateral force method of analysis, modal response spectrum analysis, nonlinear static analysis and nonlinear time-dependent dynamic analysis.
Takeaways from XIV International research and practice conference
9/27/2016 Takeaways from XIV International research and practice conference
Dear colleagues, we are informing about takeaways from research and practice conference

Dear colleagues, we are informing about takeaways from research and practice conference

LIRA group of companies took part in activities at XIV international research and practice conference «Innovative technologies regarding lifecycle of housing and civil, industrial and transportation objects», which took place on 19-23 of September, 2016 in Kamianets-Podilskyi city, Khmelnytskyi oblast, Ukraine.

Experts of LIRA group of companies presented following reports at plenary meeting:
  • SOME PROBLEMS OF COMPUTER MODELING OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES AND WAYS OF THEIRS SOLUTION IN SP LIRA 10.6 report was presented by Marchenko Dmitry Vladimirovich, project manager, LIRA group of companies.

    Report dedicated to review of main topics and problems, faced by users of previous versions of SP LIRA. There have been suggested ways of these problems’ solution using toolkit of SP LIRA 10.6.
  • IMPLEMENTATION OF PROVISIONS OF DSTU-N B EN 1998-1:2010 IN SP LIRA 10.6 report was presented by Geraymovych Yury Dmitriyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, executive director of LLC «PRIME CAD».

    Report presents a review of seismic analysis approaches, which were implemented in SP LIRA 10.6 software package in accordance to DSTU-N B EN 1998-1:2010: analysis using lateral forces approach, modal response spectrum analysis, nonlinear static analysis and nonlinear dynamic time history analysis.
Reports of SP LIRA experts have been accepted by audience with a keen interest and drew an active discussion.

You can get familiar with SP LIRA 10.6 innovations at conferences, seminars and workshops. Details regarding official release of new version will be provided later.

We would like to extend our appreciation to organizers of the conference for an excursion to Сhernivtsi National University named after Yurii Fedkovich. Central building of the University is an ex-residence of the metropolitans of Bukovina and Dalmatia, and it is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Joint webinar with Steel construction development association (SCDA)
9/20/2016 Joint webinar with Steel construction development association (SCDA)
New gauges for steel structures. Implementation of new gauges for steel structures in SP LIRA 10.4
New gauges for steel structures. Implementation of new gauges for steel structures in SP LIRA 10.4

New LIRA 10.4 R5.2 version has been released
8/4/2016 New LIRA 10.4 R5.2 version has been released
Release 5.2 contains corrected detected errors.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.4 can update to 5.2 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.4

Release 5.2 contains corrected detected errors.

Detailed list is available in innovations section.

SP LIRA 10.4 R5.2 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.4 can update to 5.2 version for free.
Webinar series «SP LIRA 10 in terms of problems». Topic 15. Ins and outs of dxf import. Guidance for preparation of drawings (RUS)
7/18/2016 Webinar series «SP LIRA 10 in terms of problems». Topic 15. Ins and outs of dxf import. Guidance for preparation of drawings (RUS)
Job execution speed possess a great value in modern design process. On frequent occasions, design engineers have to carry out a heavy workload under tight deadlines. Under such conditions structural engineer rushes to shorten the task time by any means.
Job execution speed possess a great value in modern design process. On frequent occasions, design engineers have to carry out a heavy workload under tight deadlines. Under such conditions structural engineer rushes to shorten the task time by any means. One of the ways is to shorten time of design model creation by means of floor plans import employment.
New LIRA 10.4 R5.0 version has been released
6/24/2016 New LIRA 10.4 R5.0 version has been released
Release 5.0 contains a wide range of new capabilities and corrected detected errors.
Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.4 can update to 5.0 version for free.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.4

Release 5.0 contains a wide range of new capabilities and corrected detected errors.

Detailed list of innovations of 5.0 release is available in innovations section.

SP LIRA 10.4 R5.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.4 can update to 5.0 version for free.
Resumption of webinar series «SP LIRA 10 in terms of problems: Topic 14» (RUS)
6/17/2016 Resumption of webinar series «SP LIRA 10 in terms of problems: Topic 14» (RUS)
We invite you to take part in resumption of webinar series “SP LIRA 10 in terms of problems»
Topic 14: Stability analysis of structures. General and local stability
We invite you to take part in resumption of webinar series «SP LIRA 10 in terms of problems»
Topic 14: Stability analysis of structures. General and local stability
Research and practice seminar «Innovative methods of design of buildings and structures»
5/18/2016 Research and practice seminar «Innovative methods of design of buildings and structures»
We would like to invite you to take part in research and practice seminar «Innovative methods of design of buildings and structures» on the 24th of May, 2016 at R. Gamzatov National library of Republic of Dagestan (43 Rasul Gamzatov Ave, Makhachkala).
Dear Colleagues!

We would like to invite you to take part in research and practice seminar «Innovative methods of design of buildings and structures» on the 24th of May, 2016 at R. Gamzatov National library of Republic of Dagestan (43 Rasul Gamzatov Ave, Makhachkala).

Seminar’s organizers are DNTU (innovative higher education establishment with high scientific and intellectual capacities), «LIRA soft» company (developer of LIRA 9.6 and LIRA 10.x software) and «INFARS» group of companies which is specialized in implementation of packaged solutions, supply of software products and training in the field of computer aided design, management and geoinformation systems.

The issues under discussion are innovative approaches to design of buildings and structures. The special focus will be on design and simulation software and issues of provision of seismic safety.

Developers of SP LIRA 10.4, teaching staff and students of FSBEE HPE «DNTU», experts of professional association of design engineers, representatives of inspection and government entities will be among seminar attendees.

Schedule of research and practice seminar assumes active participation of listeners in discussion of relevant issues of structural design and analysis, briefing with developers of SP LIRA 10.4 and training within the scope of workshop (official members of research and practice seminar will receive certificates of «LIRA soft» company).

We invite professionals of your organization (design engineers, structural analysts, experts, chief project engineers) to take part in the event.

New LIRA 10.4 R4.0 version has been released
11/25/2015 New LIRA 10.4 R4.0 version has been released
More than 20 new gauges, two-way interoperability with Tekla Structures, consideration of architectural elements and many other things.
Dear colleagues, we're informing about official release of a new SP LIRA 10.4

Release 4.0 contains a wide range of new capabilities and corrected detected errors:
  • Added export of architectural model to ifc format which leads to two-way interaction with Tekla Structures
  • OpenGL version has been updated to 3.3 for new rendering algorithm of design model. Thereby, operations with large-scale models became even simpler and faster
  • For cross sections analysis considering bending torsion, there was added 5 new loading types, utilized in model feature 7. Added an opportunity to perform displacements unification by W (warping) for model feature 7. Bending torsion may have a significant influence on steel thin-walled bars of open profile, such as I-beam (symmetrical or asymmetrical) and channel bar. Bending torsion comes with bending of certain parts of cross section. For example, horizontal bend of each flange in opposite directions takes place during torsion of I-beams (with vertical web and horizontal flanges). Two oppositely directed bending moments form flexural-torsional bimoment, and its value defines bending torsion
  • In results conversion mode, there has been added a consideration of architectural elements, so users can promptly pass out to other software not only geometry changes, but cross sections changes, that were passed out manually earlier
  • Significantly expanded steel gauge database, added more than 20 new gauges
Detailed list of innovations of 4.0 release is available in innovations section.

SP LIRA 10.4 R4.0 is available for downloading in download section.

Licence holders of SP LIRA 10.4 can update to 4.0 version for free.

New LIRA 10.4 R3.0 version has been released
6/1/2015 New LIRA 10.4 R3.0 version has been released
The new release of software package for structural modeling and analysis using finite element method (FEM) has been released – SP LIRA 10.4 R3.0

The new release of software package for structural modeling and analysis using finite element method (FEM) has been released – SP LIRA 10.4 R3.0

In 3.0 release there was added a wide range of new capabilities and identified issues were corrected, you can check out all innovations using a link.

SP LIRA 10.4 R3.0 is available for downloading at "Download section".

For SP LIRA 10.4 licence holders update to 3.0 release is for free.
New LIRA 10.4 R2.0 version has been released
2/24/2015 New LIRA 10.4 R2.0 version has been released
The new release of software package for structural modeling and analysis using finite element method (FEM) has been released – SP LIRA 10.4 R2.0

The new release of software package for structural modeling and analysis using finite element method (FEM) has been released – SP LIRA 10.4 R2.0

In 2.0 release there was added a wide range of new capabilities and identified issues were corrected, you can check out all innovations using a link.

SP LIRA 10.4 R2.0 is available for downloading at "Download".

For SP LIRA 10.4 licence holders update to 2.0 release is for free.
New LIRA 10.4 R1.0 version has been released
12/16/2014 New LIRA 10.4 R1.0 version has been released
«LIRA soft» company announces release and official start of sales of the new version - LIRA 10.4

«LIRA soft» company announces release and official start of sales of the new version - LIRA 10.4

«LIRA soft» company announces release and official start of sales of new version of multifunctional software for design and analysis of building and mechanical structures.
SP LIRA new version is even simpler and effective and that's why developers are sure that all users will appreciate the work that’s been completed.

SP LIRA 10.4 main innovations touched the following systems:

  • Bridge
  • Soil
  • Variation of models
  • PUSHOVER Analysis
  • Finite elements with intermediate nodes on edges
  • Reinforced concrete structures
  • Graphics system
  • Steel structures
SP LIRA 10.4 innovations are published in 10.4 version

SP LIRA 10.4 is a modern and convenient tool of the BIM – level, designated для computational analysis of structural strenght and stability using finite element method. Analysis with SP LIRA 10.4 will allow to avoid possible errors by increasing the assessment of reliability of adopted structural concepts.

Download distribution package SP LIRA 10.4 (R1.0)
New LIRA 10.2 R3.1 version has been released
8/25/2014 New LIRA 10.2 R3.1 version has been released
«LIRA soft» company announces the release of new SP LIRA 10.2 R3.1

«LIRA soft» company announces the release of new SP LIRA 10.2 R3.1.

Several computational algorithms are optimized and improved in 3.1 release.

Changes in SP LIRA 10.2 (R3.1):

Graphics system:

  • operations in displacement unification mode have been modified;
  • operations of nodes copying, which belong to ARB, and nodes, which belong to displacement unification groups, have been improved;
  • improved selection algorithm in filter by values;
  • improved operations of axial alignment mode for plate elements;
  • corrected import error of some cross sections from Revit Structure 2014;
  • added an option of design model import from Revit Structure 2015;
  • refined logic of DCF selection for simultaneous loadings;
  • Help has been updated and extended.

Reinforced concrete structures:

  • accelerated analysis of elements, which belong to unified groups of DCF;
  • corrected rarely occurred error during reinforcement calculation according to DCL;
  • modified algorithm of reinforcement calculation for bars of hollow circular sections;


  • modified algorithm of bedding values C1 and C2 calculation.

Download distribution package SP LIRA 10.2 (R3.1)
New LIRA 10.2 R3.0 version has been released
6/2/2014 New LIRA 10.2 R3.0 version has been released
«LIRA soft» company announces the release of new SP LIRA 10.2 R3.0. SP LIRA improving, becomes faster, convenient and effective from with any new release.

«LIRA soft» company announces the release of new SP LIRA 10.2 R3.0.
SP LIRA improving, becomes faster, convenient and effective from with any new release.

SP LIRA 10.2 (R3.0) innovations:

Added option to select language of the interface and documentation
  • Added option to change interface language at any given software package's operational stage. Besides Russian interface language, which was implemented earlier, there were added English and Ukrainian languages;
  • Added independent from interface language option to select documentation language (reports, tables of input data and calculation results).

Extended Help
  • Several additions and updates to the Help system were made;
  • Added tutorial «Exercise 10 - Analysis of the structure on elastic foundation using Soil Editor».

Added option to switch between the types of selected objects in "Select nodes and elements" mode
  • In «Marks» mode there were implemented quick switches between types of selected objects using how keys at keyboard.

Concepts of loadings editing and filter by loads value have been updated

  • Improved graphic interface in Loads editing / Loads filter modes. Loads editing / filter takes place during displaying by list of all loads on the selected objects.

Optimized logic of detachments assignment mode

  • Corrected logic of assignment of relative detachments in model's elements. Interface of policy and assigning of detachments has been refined.

There was added an option to factor in color mosaic during Vibration or Displacement recording

  • Displayed color mosaics are factored in video file record in Deformation, Vibration modes and Buckling modes animation mode.

Added auto diagnostics of possibility to delete cross sections, materials and structural design parameters

  • Warning message is displayed if deleted cross sections, materials and structural design parameters are assigned to elements.

Algorithm of spatial soil model creation using assigned boreholes has been improved. Graphics interface during assigning and editing of boreholes and loadings has been improved

  • Algorithm of automatic soil model creation according to assigned geological conditions has been improved;
  • Arbitrary profile generation algorithm of created spatial soil model has been modified;
  • Settings of Soil Editor's graphic interface has been expanded.

Download distribution package SP LIRA 10.2 (R3.0)
New LIRA 10.2 R2.0 version has been released
3/14/2014 New LIRA 10.2 R2.0 version has been released
Innovations description. New functionality - New capabilities!
New release of SP LIRA 10.2 (R2.0) has came out
Innovations description is given below.
New functionality - New capabilities!!..

SP LIRA 10.2 (R2.0) innovations

  • Option of "Sticky pointer" at architectural element's edge center has been implemented
  • Option to add node at architectural plate's edge center has been implemented
  • Option to copy properties from architectural elements has been implemented
  • Option to create architectural plates by displacement of generatrix made of architectural bars
  • New table of DCF coefficients has been added
  • Cross section's dimensions visualization has been added in cross sections table
  • Option to add nodes along circumference set by three points has been added
  • Nonlinear material (14) graph displaying algorithm has been improved
  • Added option of displaying displacement diagrams for bar elements across design model caused by loadings and DCL
  • Construction axes displaying algorithm has been improved
  • Added option to select nodes and elements via planes made of construction axes and elevation indicators
  • Implemented deleting of unused cross sections, materials and structural design parameters in «Packing» mode
  • Implemented fast transition between various systems of units (user-defined, SI, English)
  • «Loading analysis» mode was modified
  • Added option to drag nodes to line
  • Nodes and elements local information has been added to all modes of calculation results visualization

  • Floor plans import from *.dxf format has been implemented
  • Curved walls import from Revit Structure 2014 has been improved

  • Algorithm of spatial soil model creation using boreholes has been improved
  • Calculation factoring in soil layers with width lesser than 0,2 m has been improved
  • Improved boreholes visualization
  • Improved user interface options: boreholes copying, moving, rotating, etc.

  • Torsion analysis of reinforced concrete cross sections according to all codes has been improved
  • Optimized crack width calculation algorithm according to DSTU B V.2.6-156:2010 and Eurocode 2
  • Significantly improved dialog box of cross sections with calculated reinforcement
  • Improved performance of interactive report of punching shear calculation

  • Improved visualization of composite cross sections in «Cross sections editor» during calculation results analysis
  • Consideration of shear areas in composite cross sections has been added
  • Design of composite cross sections according to DBN V.2.6-163-2010 has been improved
  • Added option to filter elements during calculation results analysis using interactive report
  • Deflection calculation algorithm has been modified

Download SP LIRA 10.2 (R2.0) distribution package
New LIRA 10.0 R3.2 version has been released
7/22/2013 New LIRA 10.0 R3.2 version has been released
More than 12 innovations in SP LIRA 10.0

More than 12 innovations in SP LIRA 10.0

In the R 3.2 release

  • Option to calculate loadings combinations (DCL). You can analyze displacements, internal forces, stresses and reaction forces using calculated DCL, as well as perform design calculations in structural design systems and evaluate buckling modes and stability factors;
  • Option to use user-defined reinforcement patterns for bars and plates;
  • Solid FE in import/export features to neu and iges formats;
  • "Quick screen image capture" option;
  • Option of arbitrary positioning of design model in space for rectangular and polar dynamic design grids;
  • Option of bar FE merging in "Merging of FE" mode;
  • Adding equally nodes spaced between selected points were simplified in "Add nodes" mode;
  • Option to consider nodes, bars and plates, which intersect triangulation contour was added to Triangulation tab in "Add FE" mode;
  • Sorting criteria during single selection of nodes and elements has been changed (objects, that are closer to the user, are placed higher in dropdown list of nodes and elements);
  • Consideration of elements unification in table of critical DCF;
  • «TC 1381 - 020 - 00186654 - 2011 Longitudinally welded steel tubes» gauge;
  • Area of calculated or specified reinforcement has been placed into separate section of measurement units.
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