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The formal presentation of the LIRA 10.4 software package was successful!

The formal presentation of the LIRA 10.4 software package was successful!
The formal presentation of the new version of LIRA 10.4 software package, organized by «LIRA soft» company, was held on the 18th of Novemver, 2014 at «Holiday Inn Sokolniki» hotel, Moscow.
Event objective: introduce attendees - design engineers, structural analysts, project chief engineers - to the capabilities and advantages of the new version of SP LIRA 10.4, that will significantly save time during creation, analysis and correction of information and design models and allows to avoid possible errors by increasing the assessment of reliability of adopted structural concepts.
LIRA 10.x software package developers, users-practitioners, who already checked out capabilities and advantages of SP LIRA 10.2, and represenatives of expert community and specialist training facilities gathered at one stage to speak out.
In total over 40 designated companies took part in the event: CJSC «Gorproekt», OJSC «CNIIEP zhilischa», PA KAZGOR, LLC «IWC «BelEnergoStroy», LLC «Proektstroy», «MСC-Shaftproject», «VLI Vostok», «Mosgosekspertiza», «KIRBET» company and many others. The new 10.4 vesrion of SP generated a great interest among organizations, which do not use this software yet, but aiming to cutover to it.
«Lira soft» company executive director Dmitry Viktorovich Zhulkovsky opened the event with a welcome speech. «For now, the most important problem of increasing efficiency and competiveness of construction sector is reduction of expenses, which includes capital construction's object design. New SP LIRA 10.4 will help you to solve this problem.», Dmitry Viktorovich said. In his speech he not only emphasized audience's attention on the new SP LIRA 10.4, but listed advantages of all tenth generation of the software.
Dmitry Vladimirovich Marchenko, «LIRA 10.х» project technical manager and principal software engineer, who for over 15 years provides technical support of this product, starting with SP LIRA 5.02, gave the «SP LIRA 10.4 new capabilities» report. During his speech Dmitry Vladimirovich told about new capabilities and advantages of SP LIRA 10.4, while listing main innovations in the following systems:
  • «Bridge»
  • «Soil»
  • «Variation of models»
  • «PUSHOVER Analysis»
  • «Finite elements with intermediate nodes on edges»
  • «Reinforced concrete structures»
  • «Graphics system»
  • «Steel structures»
«SP LIRA 10.x» project scientific coordinator, mathematician, developer of the software's theoretical base, author of the finite element library and LIRA 5.01-9.6 computational processor, Evzerov Isaak Danilovich, Doctor of Technical Science, have told about new capabilities of SP LIRA 10.4 computational processor more precisely. He brought audience's attention to updated function «finite elements with intermediate nodes on edges». In the new version of SP LIRA 10.4 there were implemented new finite elements with intermediate nodes, which allow to obtain significantly better accuracy of the problem's solution compared to elements without intermediate nodes, while number of variables remains the same.
Project technical manager and principal software engineer, author and developer of LIRA 9.2-9.6 computational processor and specialized systems «Bridge», «Dynamics plus», «Assemblage» и «Variation of models», Yury Dmitriyevich Geraymovych followed with his own speech. In his report Yury Dmitriyevich talked about new life of «Bridge» system in more details. In renewed SP LIRA 10.4. intuitiveness of input data setting was improved, solution accuracy was drastically increased (factoring in track gauge of moving load ), graphical analysis and results documentation features were added..
As always, the speech of Guram Avtandilovich Dzhinchvelashvili, professor of the "Strength of Materials" department at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MSUCE), was deep and academically detailed. In his report «Structural seismic design using Pushover analysis method» Guram Avtandilovich talked in more details about capabilities of SP LIRA 10.4, which allows to evaluate behavior of the structure under seismic actions beyond the elastic limit - Pushover analysis method. This method connects bearing capacity, given as relationship between displacement of top of the structure and shear force in foundation, and seismic requirement given as a response spectrum. Intersection point of bearing capacity curve and response spectrum curve - dynamic equilibrium - is evaluated and it's used for evaluation of expected behavior of the structure.
The report «New capabilities of interaction between SP LIRA 10.4 and Revit Structure, as well as other CAD systems» by «LIRA soft» company technical director Alexey Viktorovich Kolesnikov generated a particular interest. In his speech Alexey Viktorovich made an emphasize on new capabilities of interaction between Autodesk Revit Structure and new SP LIRA 10.4, which allows to use Revit Structure analytical model as SP LIRA 10.4 design model for evaluation of design solutions reliability, followed by calculation results export into Revit Structure analytical model.
Leading design engineer of LLC «IWC «BelEnergoStroy» Alexey Nikolaevich Dvorak told about experience of SP LIRA 10.2 (previous generation of SP LIRA 10.x) use. He told about efficiency of SP LIRA 10.2 utilization as convenient design tool, using specific problem of three-hinged arch truss construction as an example.
«LIRA soft» company leading expert Kanev Danil Valerevich presented report «Advantages of model analysis using SP LIRA 10.2» from expertise's point of view and showed on which parameters the one should pay attention during analysis of the design model; touched on an issues of structural fracture resistance analysis; drew attention to how quickly detect errors in project using finished model; discussed standards of report, delivered to the expertise. Importance of performing such analysis was noticed by the experts.
Report by Drobot Dmitry Yurievich, LLC «Proektstroy» Chief Structural Engineer, on the subject «SP LIRA 10.4 – new computational capabilities as a combination of consistent and systematic steps on track to increase mechanical safety of building structures» gained audience's attention. Dmitry Yurievich is a long time LIRA 10.x admirer and he knows this software pretty well. Knowing all pros and cons of this software, he told, that , что as of today SP LIRA 10.4 is the most effective analysis tool, compared to similar software on the Russian market.
Report section ended with a speech by «LIRA soft» company business director Alexander Alexandrovich Maksimovskikh, who told about all additional capabilities presented by company for support of the new version of SP LIRA 10.4. The first one is training: thematic and original courses, travelling master classes and test drives, video tutorials and special programs for students. The second one is technical support of the software during learning and usage periods. The third one is system of configurations during SP LIRA 10.4 purchase, which allows users to purchase the part of SP LIRA 10.4, only modules that individually correspond to targeted problem and will effectively form user's analytical tool.
Topic regarding new capabilities of SP LIRA 10.4 was resumed at master classes, where all listeners took active participation. Developer's representative D.V. Marchenko, who knows all specifics and capabilities of the new version, and «LIRA soft» technical director A.V. Kolesnikov, who posses a long-term experience of working with «LIRA 10.х» software, illustrated dramatically parameter setting process, shared working experience on particular cases and told about nuances of work in new SP LIRA 10.4. A separate master class was held on the subject «Advantages of interaction between SP LIRA 10.4 and Autodesk Revit Structure» - it's the most actual topic as of today, especially to people, who use BIM-technologies in their toolkit.
Discussion between users and experts continued after the end of seminar's official part. During free intercourse, event's participants took part in test drive under the guidance by «LIRA soft» company's expert Suvorov Roman Nikolaevich, where evryone was given an opportunity to try out new SP LIRA 10.4.
Event ended on the high note, when «LIRA soft» company's executive director D.V. Zhulkovsky presented small rewards to the most active users of the tenth generation SP LIRA:
1. Dvorak Alexey Nikolaevich was honoured in the «The most devoted SP LIRA 10.х user» nomination.
2. Drobot Dmitry Yurievich was honoured in the «The most attentive SP LIRA 10.х user» nomination.
3. Nomination «The most active SP LIRA 10.х user» was rewarded to IFE MSUCE represented by Dzhinchvelashvili Guram Avtandilovich, professor of the «Strength of Materials» department.
4. Nomination «The most responsible SP LIRA 10.х user» was rewarded to Rusanova Elena Mikhaylovna, associate professor of the «Structural mechanics» department at MAMI, who helps developers to create guidance materials for students education.
5. Kolobov Vasily Vasilyevich, PA KAZGOR, Kazakhstan, was honoured in the «The most promising SP LIRA 10.х user» nomination.
Participants gave a warm responses regarding organization and execution of the event. Besides highly professional and interesting reports , relevant master classes and active test drives, every delegate took useful hand-outs with him - booklet with detailed description of all SP LIRA 10.4 innovations. And at the end of the event organizers prepared one more surprise – personal photo session for participants.
And the last what's been designed in terms of official introduction of new SP LIRA 10.4 is on-line presentation. Such format is designed for those people, who wanted to participate, but couldn't - primarily remote regions and neighboring countries. Specially for such listeners «LIRA soft» company arranged and carried out on-line presentation on the 25th of November, which gathered close to 130 listeners.

Photo report