LIRA Group of Companies participated in the International Scientific and Technical Forum “Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative Technologies” held on November 15-16, 2023 in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA)
The main objective and mission of the forum was to share the experience of scientists in solving urgent problems in the architectural and construction industry and in design, at the state and commercial levels in the conditions of the State of war
A plenary session was organized during the forum, where the report of the scientific supervisor, D. Sc. Yevzerov I. on "SP LIRA 10 in the restoration and reconstruction of Ukrainian infrastructure" was presented
Thematic conferences were organized within the framework of the forum, during which the reports of our colleagues were also presented. The Executive Director, PhD. Geraymovich Yu. made a report on "Further development of the CROSS-SECTION module in LIRA 10 software package"”, and Leading Engineer, Perepichay I. presented a report on "ВІМ integration in SP LIRA 10"
We would like to express our gratitude to the organizers of the conference for cooperation, the actuality of the content of the presented reports and the opportunity for joint discussion
We wish all those who shared the idea to hold the conference and its participants proper conditions for the development of science, education and society as a whole