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XII international research-to-practice conference in Odessa

XII international research-to-practice conference in Odessa
During 14th-18th of September, 2014 XII international research-to-practice conference «Innovative service time technologies of civil, industrial and transport objects» will be held in Odessa.
Representatives of international scientific community, company's research units, industry and business of Russia and Ukraine, development institutes and state authorities will take part in prestigious scientific and technical conference, which is dedicated to innovative technologies in building and transport industries and focused on scientific research and industrial activity experience exchange in the field of main thematic scope.
Invited and contest reports, as well as open discussions, will be included into conference schedule. Mathematician Evzerov I.D., Doctor of Technical Science, and Geraymovich Y.D., Candidate of Technical Science, (LLC «PRIMECAD», Kyiv, Ukraine) will take part in «Information technologies of design and analysis in construction industry» section work with the «Review of seismic design capabilities in LIRA 10.2 software package» report. In theirs report authors bring forward a review of computational methods for seismic actions, which are implemented in LIRA 10.2 software package: expansion by natural mode shapes and forth integration.
Note, that event takes place with the aid of Ministry for education and science, Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Academy of construction of Ukraine, Academy of transport of Ukraine with contributions from Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Rail Transport, Crimean national academy of environmental and resort construction.
Main thematic scopes of the conference: theoretical basics of construction; innovative technologies; new materials in modern construction and transport; energy performance in housing and municipal infrastructure; diagnostics and evaluation of technical condition of housing and public, industrial and transport constuction objects; information technologies of design and analysis in construction industry; seminar and master classes for young researchers and a host of other things.